Sunday, September 26, 2010

Day 40- Be Assertive

I will stand up for myself when I feel the need to do so. I will show my assertiveness, especially when it comes to my job, and I won't be afraid to express my opinion. These are things that I strive to do, and are what I'm going to begin working on today.

I have always been a little shy, and I guess that means sometimes being afraid to express my opinion, but I think that I can be assertive without being overly aggressive, and without losing my identity. In fact I think being a little bit more assertive will help to bring out my personality. I don't want to come across as being mean, but there are ways of getting my opinion across without being mean, yet still being assertive.

I believe this is a task that will take time. It's a hard one for me, and I think it's something I'll have to really make a conscience effort with, but it is an achievable goal, and I think it will be something that will make me feel better about myself in the long run.

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