Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 41- Write Letter

Remember those days when you'd go to the mailbox, and the joy you'd get when you received a letter from a friend? Those days seem to be long past us now. Now when I go to the mailbox the only thing I look forward to receiving is... well... nothing. The mailbox is filled with unwanted bills, and junk mail, lots and lots of junk mail.

It seems like now-a-days we're so caught up with technology, with the use of email and Facebook that we forget about those good old fashioned letters that we used to send out and receive. Don't get me wrong I love my email and Facebook. If it weren't for Facebook I wouldn't have reconnected with a lot of my long lost friends and even family, but there's just something really special and really personal about a handwritten letter.

So, today my task was to begin reconnecting with friends and family the old fashioned way, with a handwritten letter. There's no spell check in a handwritten letter. When you make a mistake it won't automatically correct itself, but it's personal, and something that truly comes from the heart. It felt really good writing out that first letter, mistakes and all.

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