Saturday, October 2, 2010

Day 46- Water x3

I am now over six weeks into this journey. Some people say that it takes six weeks to get used to a new habit or end a bad habit. I'd say for the most part that six weeks is about right for me, but we're still early in the game so we'll see what happens as more time passes.

Certain things have become apart of my daily life, and feel very natural to do. There is no messy car. My bedroom is clean. I don't bite my nails. I eat breakfast, and I've been drinking water. The list goes on and on. Other things haven't quite become habit yet, but many of those are still new, and I need to get accustomed to them.

So, today's task is another adjustment to my water intake. I will once again increase my water. This brings my total water intake to about 36 ounces of water. Each glass of water I drink is around 12 ounces. I think I am now getting enough water that I'm beginning to notice a difference in my skin, my health, and even my budget. Yes, I'm saving a bit of money by drinking more water.

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