Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Day 49- Pictures, Pictures, and More Pictures

Today I decided to attempt a project that was a long time coming. I have photos everywhere. I have photos on my new computer, photos on my old computer, photos on CD's, photos on SD cards, and unfortunately photos that have disappeared for the moment.

I had no organization to these photos, and I was always afraid to erase my photos from my SD cards because I was afraid that somehow I would lose them, and never be able to find them again. I decided it was time to organize these photos on my computer, and then make a CD for each of the events, so I would always have a hard copy. It was a long project. It took me most of the day to finish it, but I am finally done.

As I said in the beginning of this blog post, there are photos that have somehow disappeared. I searched everywhere for them, but was unable to find them. The way I look at it, these photos will show up some day, and when they do it will be a nice, pleasant surprise.

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