Thursday, October 7, 2010

Day 51- Calcium

Earlier I began taking a multivitamin on a daily basis, and that's been going pretty well. But I decided that I needed to add some calcium supplements to my daily vitamin intake too.

Calcium has the obvious benefit of building strong bones and teeth, which can also help with the prevention of osteoporosis, but it also has other benefits too. It can help regulate your heartbeat and help with your blood pressure. Low and high levels of Calcium have also been linked with depression, and anxiety can be associated with low levels of calcium.

So I will be taking 600 mg of calcium, which includes Vitamin D, twice a day. I chose calcium that includes Vitamin D, because it helps absorb calcium. Also, it's best to split the dose because a persons body can't absorb 1200 mg of calcium in one dose, so it has to be split up. It is recommended for a woman my age to be taking 1000 mg of calcium a day. I am taking a little bit more, but not too much more. It's still a good amount, and I have seen a couple of places that do recommend that amount.


  1. while you're getting calcium with vit D, magnesium is another important mineral to balance with the calcium. Also, when you're at your next doctor appt, ask to get your vitamin D levels checked - vit D is important for a healthy immune system as well as your calcium intake. I've been recommended to take 2,000 IUs of vit D3 daily - plus I take Calson's brand of Cod Liver Oil capsules to get in my omega3s and some extra vit d (hint: get it in lemon flavor - that way you don't burp up the fishy taste - and I have tried freezing it - doesn't fix the fish taste, need the flavor added).

  2. Yeah I don't think I I want to burp up the fish taste, so I guess I'll have to check into the lemon flavor. I've been trying to figure out what vitamin supplements are important so thanks for the comment. This will help.
