Saturday, October 30, 2010

Day 74- Give Myself a Timeout

Today I did nothing. That may seem kind of an odd task to do, but that's essentially what my task was for today, nothing. I am constantly distracted by everyday life. So many things are going on in that mind of mine and in my life. There never seems to be a moment to just do absolutely nothing; a moment of complete silence; a moment to clear my mind of my everyday life.

So, this afternoon for just a few minutes I took a timeout. I stopped what I was doing, went somewhere quiet where I wouldn't be distracted, and took a few minutes for myself in complete silence. I just closed my eyes and cleared my mind of the hustle and bustle of everyday life. I took a moment to just think about nothing. I took myself away from my work, my thoughts, and my life.

I may not do this everyday, but I think it is good to just every once in a while clear your mind from everything that's been going on in your life, and to also go somewhere that's away from all the sounds and visual stimulation that can cause an overload of the senses. It was kind of refreshing.  It was almost like I was setting the reset button for myself.

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