Thursday, November 11, 2010

Day 86- Indulge

As I begin eating healthier I realize the importance of having a day every once in awhile where you indulge a little bit. By depriving yourself you are just making matters worse, and the cravings will just overwhelm you. Some people may differ on this one, but this little indulgence helps make it easier for me to stay on track any other day.

A few lessons I've learned from todays challenge is to not binge. Indulging is fine, but you need to watch yourself and make sure you do not over do it. You need to know the difference between bingeing and indulging. Bingeing is eating a large amount of food in a short amount of time until you are uncomfortably full, while indulging is having total control and giving yourself permission to have a  treat.

On the days I don't allow myself to indulge, and I'm having a craving, I observe the following little trick to help combat whatever craving I may be having:
  1. Name five things you see in front of you 
  2. Identify four colors you see
  3. Describe three things your body is feeling, such as; I feel sick; my shirt feels soft; I feel hot.
  4. Identify two sounds
  5. State one thing you can smell
This is something I won't be doing on a weekly basis, but every once in awhile I just might give myself permission to give myself a little treat, to indulge every once in awhile.

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