I never thought cutting back on candy would be so easy for me, but surprisingly it has. I haven't really had many problems with this task. Just like last time there were a few times I really wanted to eat more than my daily allowance, but as I've said in my last post concerning my candy intake, those days were far and few between.
What I've been attempting to do is not eat my daily amount all at once. I try to split it into three different times throughout the day. I believe the reason I had difficulties on certain days was because I ate my candy too quickly at the beginning of the day, and didn't leave any for later on. But I've learned my lesson, and I will continue to use the approach of splitting up my candy throughout the day, as I continue to cut back on my candy intake.
So, today I will eat 20 M&M's instead of 30. Hopefully this will be as quick for me to get used to as 30 pieces, but if it isn't I'll just stick with the 20 pieces a little longer until I feel ready to go to the next step.
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