Saturday, December 4, 2010

Day 109- Keep a Book With All of My Addresses

My address book.

I have addresses scattered all over the place. I have them stored in various places on my computer,  and written on several scraps of paper. I figured it was about time to organize all of these addresses, and find one single place to keep them. I have decided that I really don't want to keep them stored in my computer, but instead, since these are addresses of my family and friends, I'd like to store them in an actual address book; I'd like to store them in a place that has more of personal feel to it.

Several years ago I received an address book from one of my piano students, but even though I kept it all of these years, I have never used it. It didn't have a single address written in it. I think I was hoping that someday I would take this book and actually use it, but years passed by and it just sat there not being used.

I thought I'd finally grab this book from storage, and fill it with addresses from my family and friends. Keeping all of my addresses together will help with some of my past tasks, and some of my future tasks. So I think it was a good idea to get this one going, before I lose any addresses.

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