Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Day 112- Clean the Oven

So today's task was to clean the oven. I've been saving this one. I knew this one would not be very fun, and would probably take quite a bit of time to complete, especially since it hadn't been cleaned in awhile.

One thing I have learned about all of my cleaning tasks is prevention. If you keep something from getting dirty in the first place, it saves you a lot of time. So how do I prevent my oven from getting dirty?

I need to make sure everything is covered, and if it's supposed to cook uncovered than there are other options. I could put a bigger pan underneath the other pan. I could also wrap the lower rack in aluminum foil and place it on the lowest level to catch all the drips. Keep in mind placing aluminum foil on the very bottom of the oven is not a good idea, because it could cause a short or a fire. Using the lower rack is the best option. I rarely use both racks anyway, so this works out well for me.

If prevention doesn't work and  my oven still manages to get dirty, which I know will happen,  I need to quickly wipe up any spills. Of course I would do this after the oven has cooled down, but before all the drippings have completely dried up.

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