Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Day 119- Bake Christmas Cookies

So I decided to do another holiday task. I decided I'd spend the day baking cookies. This is yet another holiday tradition I haven't done. I didn't spend the whole day baking cookies. I did take a few brakes here and there, one of which included the task of taking the kittens to their first vet visit.

As we get closer and closer to Christmas I'm beginning to wind down as far as my holiday tasks are concerned. I have done quite a few of them, and it really has made a difference in how I view the holidays. This year I don't see it as much of a hassle as a chance just to take it all in, and do a lot of the fun things that many people do during this time of year.

Here is a list of things I think people like to do the most this time of year (How many of these do you agree with, and what other ones could you add on to this list):

  • Advent calendars
  • Christmas caroling and listening to holiday music
  • Baking cookies and candy
  • Sending and receiving Christmas cards
  • Watching Christmas related movies
  • Decorating
  • Making hot chocolate with marshmallows (I also like hot cider, and my husband likes eggnog)
  • Snuggling up to a cozy fire
  • Watching and playing in the snow
  • CELEBRATING THE BIRTH OF JESUS CHRIST!!! (The most important of all)

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