Thursday, December 16, 2010

Day 121- Keep My Keys in a Specific Place

I swear I've spent half of my life looking for my keys. I always seem to lose them. I never keep them in the same place, and sometimes I find them in the oddest of places. There was one time where I actually found them in the refrigerator. I'm not quite sure what I was thinking when I found them there, but that's where they were.

I decided to relieve some frustration I feel from constantly being on the lookout for my keys. So I decided I will always keep my keys in the same place. The two places I am most likely to lose my keys are at home and at work. At work I actually have two places I am always at, either in my office or in the church. So I actually have three main places in which I am most likely to lose my keys. I will keep them either on a hook or in a little basket. I will always make sure I have these three specific spots to keep my keys.

If I lose my keys somewhere other than these three places, I guess I'm out of luck. Hopefully that won't happen though.

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