Saturday, December 18, 2010

Day 123- Clean My Work Space in the Church

I now have a nice clean space in the church. My piano and its surrounding area are clean, as well as my rehearsal space. I had piano books, old worship aids and the such all lying around in various places throughout my work space.

I should be able to keep everything in its place very nicely. I usually have a little break between Masses on Sundays, so I think during this time I will just clean up anything that needs to be cleaned.

This is one task where I can use other people to help me, by asking my choir to make sure the space around them is clean before they leave. I wanted to make sure I got this work space of mine cleaned now, because of Christmas coming up. It will make things so much easier for me. I won't have to go around searching frantically for a piece of music I need right before the Christmas Masses begin. It always seems as though I'm running around like a chicken with its head chopped off during holy days like Christmas, so anything that will help me out would be very beneficial at lowering my stress level.

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