Thursday, December 23, 2010

Day 128- Keep the Last Choir Rehearsal Before Christmas Stress Free

It always seems like every year I am stressing myself out, trying to get everything done, hoping everything will come together. I worry about whether this piece or that piece sounds all right. Will we get everything down? Will I make a mistake? Will we sound all right? Will everyone show up? Do I have all my music put together? I have all of these different questions going on through my head.

Instead of thoroughly enjoying the moment and remembering that this is about celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, I work myself into a tizzy and can't seem to relax. I decided to go into this with a different more positive attitude this year.

I wanted to go through everything and at the same time enjoy the company of my choir and their hard work they have put in. I wanted to enjoy their singing and playing. I wanted to help make it a relaxing last rehearsal before Christmas for them and myself.

I know that whatever attitude I had going into this rehearsal would transfer over into them. So I wanted to go into this rehearsal being positive and encouraging. I also wanted to have some time to just relax and take about 20 minutes in the middle of rehearsal to stop and have some time to enjoy their company.

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