Friday, December 24, 2010

Day 129- Let Go

As a music director for a church, today happens to be one of the busiest days of the year for me. I've been working all day and that entails a lot of playing of the piano and organ. After all that practicing my hands and my mind are exausted.

I had excellent advice from my piano teacher in college. One time I told her that when I play my hands are continuosly shaking, and her advice to me was 'Let them!' I took this advice to heart tonight. While my hands didn't shake too much, they did have a moment where they felt as though they were going to give out on me.

For one second that worried me, but then I thought about her advice, and I decided that I was going to play my little heart out, and if they gave out on me they gave out on me. They didn't give out me. I don't think it would've happened, but I tend to psych myself out for things like that. I made it all the way through those couple of pieces that I had that awful feeling for, and in the end everything turned out beautifully.

It was when I stopped worrying about what was going to happen or what wouldn't happen that I finally was able to relax, live in the moment  and to just  let go.

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