Saturday, December 25, 2010

Day 130- Don't Eat Out As Much

After the long and exhausting week I had there is nothing I want to do less than make myself something to eat. It has been so easy to take the easy way out throughout this week by running through the drive through or going out to eat with my husband.

I know there are many times that I eat out way too much. So, I have decided that I will only allow myself to eat out once a week, and that will most likely be when my husband and I have our date night.

There are so many benefits to making your own food or eating at home. The obvious benefit is that it saves on money. It is also something that puts you in control. You decide what you put in or leave out of a specific recipe; you know exactly what is going into your food. Another big one is that you can control the portions you eat. There is no way I can ever eat all the food they give me in restaurants. Also, eating at home can promote a healthier lifestyle. You are more likely to eat healthier at home than when you go out to eat. Granted if I educated myself a little better than I'd know just what healthier options I could order. 

So from now on I will make sure I bring a lunch to work, and have plenty of quick options at home in case I have a certain night where I just don't feel like making myself or my husband something to eat. I think by going out only once a week it will also make going out more of a treat, and will be something that we will enjoy a lot more.

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