Monday, December 27, 2010

Day 132- Keep a Daily Planner

As I begin to organize my life, I have realized the one thing I don't have yet is a daily planner. I thought I'd begin this one today for one simple reason; the planner I bought begins on todays date.

I am using a paper based planner. In my opinion the book type of planner is still much more convenient than a software based planner. Some people may disagree with me on this matter, but there are some things in this world where I just prefer to use the old fashioned method and this is one of them.

So what are the benefits of using a daily planner? You are less likely to forget about appointments. You can record when bills are due so you won't be late in paying them. You can record birthdays or special events and keep track of any to-do items. On a personal level I can use my daily planner to keep track of my daily blog activities. I have already recorded my task for today and even my task for tomorrow.

I am very forgetful and can be a bit disorganized at times. I think keeping a daily planner will help with these issues.

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