Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Day 133- Candy Intake (10 Pieces)

I have noticed that I haven't had many issues with cutting back on my candy. I believe the reason for this is because of my plan of taking 'baby steps'. Because I have made these small changes I haven't felt like I have been depriving myself of anything.

 I admit there are still those moments when I completely crave more than my daily allotment of Peanut Butter M&M's or some other form of chocolate. I have found on the few days I ate more candy than I was supposed to eat, I actually ended up feeling sick. I guess my body can't handle all of that sugar anymore. So, I find that because I feel sick that it is just another way for me to keep on track and not eat too much candy.

There is one thing I won't do though, and that is cut out chocolate completely. I won't let food control me, but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy a nice piece of chocolate cake or candy or whatever type food I desire.

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