Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Day 134- Find a Place for Everything

A place for everything, and everything in its place.
                                                                    ~ Isabella Mary Beeton

I have been keeping everything fairly clean, but I find that my house still feels cluttered, and I think the reason for this is because everything hasn't found its proper and permanent place. So I have decided I will work on one room at a time until I work my way through the entire house and find a place for everything.

Hopefully when I'm finished my house won't feel so cluttered. Today I began with the bedroom, and that was probably the easiest of all my rooms to do. Remember I only have 15 items of clothing so it's not like I had any clothing laying around. I just had some items in the closet and on top of the dresser that needed a bit of organizing, and some items really didn't belong in the bedroom.

I can already tell that the last room I do in my house will take the longest, and the reason I believe this will happen is because today, when I was working on the bedroom, if I couldn't find a place for something I ended putting it in the next room hoping I'd be able to find a place for it in there. I can just see this pattern repeating itself from room to room.

I may have to go out and get a few items to help out with this task. For instance now that I have new  kitty cats I once again have a lot of cat toys, which are scattered all over the place. There is no need for all the toys to be out at once. So I may want to get a little basket to store them in. We'll see what happens as I progress from room to room, and what items I may need to get or even items I get rid of.

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