Thursday, December 30, 2010

Day 135- Have My Own Personal Space in My Home

I don't know how it happened, but somehow my husband managed to claim every little bit of extra space we have in our home for himself. The two extra bedrooms were transformed into his office and workout room, and the garage was transformed into another workout room for himself.

What happened? How did I not get any personal space for myself? I'm not quite sure. I don't blame my husband. I didn't take the initiative and claim a space in our house for myself. He just kept on putting stuff in these rooms and they were transformed into his own. But today I took one of those rooms and converted it into my very own room. I of course told my husband I was doing this, and he helped move some of the belongings from room to room.

Why is it important to have your own personal space? Everybody needs a place to go and relax, to have a place to call your own, a place to go to get away. It's good to have a space that reflects your taste and personality. It's a space you can do with as you will. I like spending time with my husband, but sometimes I need my own room. A place I can go to get away, work on some of my crafts, read or even workout.

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