Friday, January 7, 2011

Day 143- Clean My Makeup Brushes Regularly

My face is finally clearing up, and the last thing I want to do is make it worse. I don't usually wear a lot of makeup, but that's because I'm always breaking out. Even though I don't wear a lot of makeup that doesn't give me an excuse to ignore my makeup brushes. I really need to watch what products I use on my face, and that includes the makeup brushes.

Why should I be paying more attention to those brushes? Every time you use one of your makeup brushes you get a build up of makeup, but also oil from your skin, along with dust and bacteria.

I should clean them at least once a week, if not more for my eye makeup brushes. All you need is a gentle cleanser, a lint-free cloth and some water. Gently wash them and lay them flat on the cloth to dry or however you prefer to let them dry.

I've already made several changes as to the different products I use for my skin, but I've still got some more work to do. I definitely have noticed a difference though. I don't think I will be ignoring the needs of my skin any longer.

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