Sunday, January 9, 2011

Day 145- Get Rid of One Thing a Day (Maybe More)

As I've become more organized, I've realized I have a lot of junk. It is time to start getting rid of some of my belongings. I have already downsized quite a bit, but to keep up with this, I thought I'd get rid of one thing a day; at least until I get to the point where I have nothing left to give up, but I don't think that will ever happen.

What do I do with all these items I get rid of? Well I have several options: I could toss them in the trash, give the items to charity, give items to a friend or maybe even sell them on eBay. I guess it all depends on the item I get rid of.

We'll see how this goes. I still have all of my items of clothing from when I went down to 15 items of clothing, all stored in plastic bags in the attic. I kept them, because at the time I was only beginning my blog, and I didn't believe I could actually live with only 15 items of clothing. Well, honestly it has made my life so much easier, and I don't even think that people even realize I'm wearing the same 15 items over and over again.

So, it is time to start getting rid of that clothing along with other items I have.

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