Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 146- Eat My Veggies (1 Cup/2 Servings)

I have been slowly changing my eating habits, and have discovered that these small changes are really having a great impact on my life. With the exception of feeling a bit under the weather this last week, I have been feeling much healthier overall.

I thought today was a good time to increase my vegetable intake. Right now I just make sure I have a serving of vegetables with my dinner, but it looks I may need to double up on my dinner veggies or maybe add some vegetables at some other point during the day.

I suppose one option for increasing my vegetable intake is to munch on some raw veggies as a snack during the day. Raw vegetables are healthier for you anyway.

One thing I have learned about myself  was that eating a serving of vegetables actually wasn't too bad. I actually discovered I usually eat that amount a day anyway. I only had to remind myself a couple of times.

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