Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 147- Return Calls, Emails, Texts, etc. Right Away

I am so bad at returning calls, email, texts, etc. I think this stems back to my childhood, before there was emails and texts and you had to use the phone for your communication. I was always so shy, and I guess it was even harder for me to talk on the phone instead of in person. This is something that needs to be fixed, so why not start today.

A lot of times returning a call from somebody would end up being days, weeks or months later. I've even been guilty of this when my mom calls. She would leave a message and I would take forever to call her back. It would finally get to a point where she would end up leaving messages telling me she was getting worried about me. You could always hear that worry in my poor moms voice. I can't believe I would let her worry like that.

Now I know better with my mom, and it has actually turned around. Now I'm the one calling my mom because I'm the one that worries about her, and is always checking up on her to make sure she is ok.

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