Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day 148- Take Control of My Dreams/Nightmares

All my life I have suffered from constant nightmares. Whether it is being attacked by wolves, running from tornadoes, not being able to move, or even watching as my sister gets attacked and I am unable to do anything about it. This is probably one of my most personal tasks I have planned for the year, because it is one I have struggled with practically my entire life. It's also tough because I am really putting myself out there for this one.

I'm not sure why I have all these nightmares. I guess I just have an active imagination. I remember when I was little I would wake up from a nightmare, go into my parents room and gently tap my mom on the shoulder telling her I had a nightmare.

After awhile I came up with a trick. If I woke from a nightmare I would change the ending so it would end on a happier note. After awhile I didn't even need to wake up to change the ending. I developed the talent of lucid dreaming. I would know I was dreaming and I was able to change the outcome of the nightmare. To this day I still use this trick.

But I want more. I don't want to just change the outcome of my dreams; I simply want to not have the nightmares. So I've decided to look into this matter a little bit more. I thought one step I'd take is to write down these nightmares I have, and see if I can figure out why I may have had that dream. There are some excellent sites that tell you what certain symbols in your dream may mean, and I am actually surprised at how accurate some of them are. One site I went to was . It has a wide variety of symbols from dreams.

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