Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day 149- Water X6

I'm beginning to realize I'm not perfect. I have 149 days all wrapped up, and I find it very difficult to keep on track with every little thing I do. I've had days where I have gotten upset at myself because I forgot to do certain tasks, and I realize now that I have a lot of items to keep up with. So all I can do is do the best I can.

I have already lost nine pounds with the changes I have made, and I have begun to take in a couple of a pair of pants at the waist using what I call the rubber band method. I take the rubber band and wrap it around a portion of the fabric at the waist to make it tighter.

I must remind you that my goal in this journey was not about weight loss. I figured if I lost weight that would be great, but it has never been my primary goal. I do however applaud all of my friends who have worked very hard on their weight loss journeys. They are an inspiration to me.

The reason I mentioned about not being perfect was because yesterday I had too much soda and not enough water. I could really feel the effects of this, and I decided that today I needed to adjust my water intact once again. So I'm up to six waters, and so far today I have only had one soda to drink.

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