Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day 151- Don't Cut My Hair (Trims Are Still OK)

My hair is getting to the length where it always drives me crazy, and I end up chopping it all off. I have never had long hair. The length I have it now is probably as long as it's ever been.

So, my task for today is simple, no more hair cuts. I can still get my hair trimmed to cut off all those split ends, but that's it. For the next seven months my hair will just get longer and longer. I want to just for once in my life know what it's like to have long hair. 

Out of all my tasks this will probably be the trickiest one for me. I don't know if I'm going to be able to stand it, but we'll see. 

Below is a video of all the hairstyles I've had through the years. It goes in order from when I was a baby until Thanksgiving. Some of my most outrageous hairstyles aren't even in here. I probably threw the pictures out. 

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