Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 153- The Treasure Found in Your Coat Pockets (Clean Out Those Pockets)

First of all after todays task I have discovered I have too many coats, but I'll leave that task for a later time. On to todays task. The other day I was rummaging through my coat pocket trying to find something, but I had too much junk in there. I decided I needed to add this to my task list.

Today I went through every jacket I had in the house, including jackets I haven't worn in who knows how long, and emptied them all out. My goal is to not use my pockets as a dumping ground for all my junk. I found too much stuff in my pockets that should not have been in there. I will also make sure that once summer approaches and I no longer need to wear my coat anymore that I double check to make sure nothing is left in there, but if I stick with my rule of keeping my pockets clear I shouldn't have to worry about that.

So what did I find in all my coat pockets? I found many wrappers, lip gloss, lipstick, cough drops, tylenol, some other medicine, rubber bands, hair clips, candy; including a smashed chocolate Kiss (Do you think it's still good? Don't worry I tossed it), and the greatest find was $8.89.

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