Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 155- Have a Better Understanding of My Religion

I had this on my list of things to do from the very beginning. I guess I was just looking for the right moment to act on it, and the opportunity just happened to present itself to me.

A few weeks ago my church said they would be offering a seven week class on Catholicism, and I thought this was the moment I was waiting for. Tonight was the first class, and I have realized I have much to learn.

I am what many people call a 'Cradle Catholic'. I have been Catholic my entire life. I was brought up in the church. But I feel I have much to learn. If I am going to be Catholic I should really have an understanding of the Catholic church.

I hope that this class will be just the beginning, and that I will continue working on my understanding of my Catholic faith even after the class is finished.

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