Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 156- Do Something That Makes Me Happy

This was actually an easy one, and I feel like I'm kind of cheating. Today when I was trying to think of how I was going to accomplish this task, I made a discovery. I discovered that I've been pretty happy lately, and I realized the 'something' that makes me happy is doing this blog.

I have realized that all these tasks I've done have made me feel so much better in every way, and it's not just the tasks, but it's the writing in this blog too. I discovered that I really like writing. I may not be the best writer, but it helps to just get everything down, and to share this experience with others around me.

My life is not perfect, and of course I get those days where I may be feeling a bit down, but overall I feel much better than I have in a long time. So doing something that makes me happy is doing this blog, and I plan on doing this one for at least another 209 days.

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