Saturday, March 19, 2011

Day 214- Wash My Face Before Going to Bed (Adjustment to Day 23- Dermatologist)

I decided to take a look back at some of my older posts, and realized I have a little adjusting to do on some them. Today I thought I'd work on Day 23, which was when I visited the dermatologist. After re-reading that post I discovered there was something I wasn't doing anymore.

Initially I had said that I washed my face faithfully day and night, but I realized I have stopped washing my face at night. The reason for this was because the cleanser I have contains benzoyl peroxide and I found that when I used it my clothes would get bleached out; it didn't matter how careful I was being, so I stopped washing my face at night. Morning was no problem, because I figured I could wash my face while in the shower.

Today I thought I would go back to washing my face at night, but this time I would use a regular cleanser like Aveeno, which doesn't contain benzoyl peroxide. I have found that my skin really likes products by Aveeno, so I might as well stick with this brand. In the morning I will continue to use my other cleanser, because I still need it for a little while longer. I think my skin will feel and look so much better by adding this one simple task.

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