Saturday, March 26, 2011

Day 221- Organize Bathroom Storage

We have two bathrooms, and one of those bathrooms is pretty much exclusively mine. The problem with that bathroom is the fact that there are no cabinets or drawers.

A while back I bought a shelving unit that has four shelves and I bought some baskets to put on those shelves. Up until today there was no organization to those baskets. I decided to empty everything out of all my baskets and finally get them organized.

The top basket is bigger than the rest because those are the items I use everyday. The next basket down is nail polish and other nail stuff, and the bottom two baskets are for medicine and items I don't use on a regular basis, which also includes my hairdryer, straightener and curling iron since I chose to forego using those items a while ago.

I still am not completely satisfied with this system, but it will do for now. It feels much more organized than I had it before, but it may need some adjusting in the future. I'd like to have bigger baskets to store my stuff in, and I think I can store some of the stuff in the cabinets of the bathroom that my husband uses most of time. But it will do for now.

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