Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 234- Out With the Old, In With the New

This is part two of my shopping excursion. If you didn't read yesterdays post it was about buying in the off season. In the past when I talked about my sparse amount of clothing I said I could get new items of clothing, but I would have to get rid of something in return. Well, after doing my shopping and doing this I thought to myself, "Why not do this with other items?"

Since doing many tasks relating to organizing I have gotten a rid of a lot of clutter; the last thing I want to do is make our house look cluttered again. So, I have decided that every time I get something new, something must go.

One of my previous tasks was to get rid of one item a day. Well, I think I've pretty much accomplished what I can with this task, so now it's about maintenance and keeping our house free of the mess. I think this will be a good rule to live by.

There are obvious exceptions to this new rule, and I will mention the obvious one of food; the food will disappear on its own in a timely manner. It's all about using a little common sense when it comes to 'Out with the old, in with the new'.

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