Sunday, April 10, 2011

Day 236- Fall in Love (With Life)

This blog has forced me to take a close look at myself. I have made several changes in my life, but it has been the changes to my soul that have been the most difficult for me to grasp.

Sometimes you have to take a few steps backwards before you can move forward, and at times that is how I feel. I look at some of the tasks I have done, especially the ones pertaining to my emotional well-being, and I feel kind of sad, because I realize I haven't been living up to my potential; I haven't been the person I know I can be.

I really need to take a look at my soul, and figure out what is lacking. I have made many improvements; however I feel as though there is something missing, but I just can't figure it out. There is something I am striving for; looking for, but I just can't seem to find it. It's like a missing piece of a puzzle.

So my new task for today is to learn how to fall in love with life. I need to figure out what I'm lacking, and fix it. I need to figure out what I need to do to completely fall in love with life.

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