Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 237- Plant an Herb Garden

There is nothing like the taste of fresh herbs; it really makes a difference in cooking. Fresh herbs can be easily found at a grocery store, but there's nothing like using herbs from your own garden.

As I have said in the past I don't necessarily have a green thumb. A couple of months ago I got some plants in the hopes that I wouldn't kill them. The good news is they are both still alive. One of them is thriving,  but I must admit the other plant is holding on for dear life. I am feeling pretty confident that I can pull that plant back from the brink of death though.

In the past I have also failed at growing an herb garden, but since I have been somewhat successful with my indoor plants I thought I'd move on to something new and try an herb garden. I'll go with just a few different herbs to get me started and go from there. I think I have figured out the key to taking care of plants; don't ignore them.

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