Friday, April 15, 2011

Day 241- Don't Become Attached to Material Possessions

Me in my favorite shirt. 
You can't see too much in this picture, 
but anyone that knows me probably knows this shirt.

I obviously have done a lot of simplifying in my life from living on a limited number of clothes to just getting rid of stuff in general, but there are certain things I just can't get rid of and I know I should.

Today I ripped my favorite shirt and my favorite shoes are really starting wear down. I really have a problem getting rid of those shoes because I bought them on one of my many shopping excursions I had with my mom, but I know these things are just objects taking up space. They are not important; they can be replaced. The people in my life and even my beloved pets are what I should hold close to my heart. The memories, experiences and my faith are all what's important to me.

So if it's worn or tattered that means it's probably time to get rid of it. I admit the one thing I won't get rid of is my worn and tattered baby blanket. That is one item I will keep along with a few other items, but I will put these safely in storage, and hopefully I can someday get a hope chest like my mom had and store all of these keepsake items in there.

If I really have a special memory or memories attached to a specific material possession I figure I can always take a picture of it. Maybe I'll keep a special photo album on my computer for those specific items with a description of why that item was important to me.

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