Saturday, April 16, 2011

Day 242- Don't Take it Out on Others

As a church musician this upcoming week is going to be a stressful one for me, and I am already feeling the stress. This morning I was pretty grumpy and I seemed to get upset at my husband for no apparent reason. I finally just sat back and looked at what I was doing and decided this was not the best solution for me.

I really need to watch myself and just try not to get upset at others for doing absolutely nothing wrong. I think when your stress levels are high there is the tendency to get more annoyed with everything and everyone around you.

I think I need to take a few lessons from past blog posts. When I am feeling that stress and start to get annoyed with people I need to just stop and take a few deep breaths. I need to take a moment to gather my thoughts and work through it.

I have already warned my husband and he knows that this is going to be a long and stressful week, but just because I gave him this warning doesn't mean I get a free pass. Even though it is stressful it will be a lot less stressful if I don't get so upset with the people around me. That is something that will only add more stress to my life.

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