Thursday, May 5, 2011

Day 261- Be Willing to Take Advice

I believe at times it can be hard to take advice from others around you. I sometimes feel as though I have all the answers and I don't need to hear others opinions. But I think if someone is giving me some advice than I should really pay attention to what they are saying. There must be a reason they are giving me this advice.

So from now on instead of totally dismissing someones opinions, I will truly take what they say into consideration. I will think about what they told me before completely dismissing what they say. I will try to be objective, and lose that stubbornness.

I think in order to grow I need to be able to willingly accept a different point of view. I need to have the courage to say "That's a great idea!" or "That's so much better than what I came up with!".  I really need to find that humility and realize my way is not always the right or the best way.

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