Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Day 267- New Hair Product

Yes, another post relating to my hair. But when you have hair that is as wild as mine it's going to need some extra work. The longer my hair gets the more wild it gets, so I thought it was time to get a new product because what I have been using is just not working for me anymore.

I think the biggest problem I have is all the buildup from all the products I use, and the shampoo and conditioner I use for my hair just aren't working the way they should.

I'm trying  a product on my hair that was recommended by a friend, and her hair has been looking really good, so I figured I might as well give it a try. The product is called Wen conditioning cleanser. It's kind of like 5 products in 1. It takes the place of shampoo, conditioner, deep conditioner, detangler and leave in conditioner. For me it also takes the place of some of my other leave in products, because I found after only a couple of days I really don't need to put much else in my hair.

It has only been a couple of days, so I guess I'll have to wait and see what the long term results will be. The downfall is the cost, but I will deal with that for now. Sometimes you just need to spend a little money on yourself.

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