Saturday, May 21, 2011

Day 277- Don't Freak Out

I have no idea why I must freak out when something's not going the way it should. I go into this state of panic, and my mind just goes blank or I just can't think clearly. I know that this is something that would happen to my mom quite frequently, so I guess it is one of the many things I inherited from her.

I always thought of myself as someone who was generally calm and pretty laid back. I tend to just go with the flow, but sometimes something comes up that I have to take control over and I immediately go into panic mode.

I have decided I really need to change this about myself. If I'd only just take a minute to think about the situation and take few deep breaths, I think I could get myself under control and handle the situation just fine. It's as simple as that. So for future reference I will try my hardest not to freak out no matter what happens.

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