Monday, June 6, 2011

Day 293- Woe is Me

I must say I was definitely not in good spirits today. Nothing in particular happened, I was just in a bad mood. That's all there is to it. So I figured why not see if I could find some ideas that could help lift my mood. Will they work? Who knows, but it couldn't make things any worse.

There are several choices I could do that I actually have had on some of my previous posts; I could just smile, laugh, or play the piano. Or maybe I could just take some nice deep breaths in a quiet space and zone out for awhile. I could listen to some music, get some sun, do some aromatherapy, munch on some almonds (this particular snack is actually supposed to help lift your mood) and just pray for a bit. I have so many tasks on my list, it's just a matter of being more aware of some of those tasks on a day like today.

I also decided to do a little research and see if I could find some other suggestions that may help to lift my mood and here is what I found:
  1. Reminisce; think about a happy memory or look at some old photos that make me happy.
  2. Socialize with a cheerful person; maybe their general cheerfulness will help.
  3. Clear away any clutter (I shouldn't have to worry about this one too much anymore. But I did clean my office today, which was kind of a mess.)
  4. Take a walk.
Everybody gets in a bad mood. It's bound to happen, but I think sometimes I tend to take my bad mood to the extreme. So here's to a happier day tomorrow. And finally one more thing that will make me happy; as I write this I am being bombarded by a cat who is starving for attention, so playing with a pet can put me in a better mood too.

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