Monday, June 13, 2011

Day 300- The Unmentionable Tasks

I have certain goals I'd like to achieve this year, but they are goals I just don't feel comfortable sharing. I know that's kind of odd considering all I have shared already, but it's just the way I feel.

These are goals I call my personal goals. I have had people ask me, "Why don't you put that on your blog?", and I always answer, "That's one of my personal goals." I wanted to include these goals on my blog, but I was unsure how I should do it. I decided I would just call this post  "The Unmentionable Tasks". I will know what I'm working on, but I guess no one else will. It's so mysterious!

I'm sure I'm not the only one that has goals like this. I'm sure there are specific goals people want to achieve, but would prefer to keep to themselves. So for todays task I will _____, and I will also do ______, and finally I won't ______.

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