Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Day 315- Find Balance

I thought once summer hit things would calm down a bit, but that is not the case. I have a million things to do, but there are only 24 hours in a day. How do I do it all?

I have realized I need to find some sort of balance; I need to make it work. I don't want to get to the end of the day and feel a little bummed because I didn't get everything done that I wanted to get done. I want to have this balance between work, chores and play. But how do I do this? Well I have a few tips that hopefully will help out:

  1. Schedule my time. I doubt this will be a long term thing for me to do, but I think I need to get myself on a better schedule and maybe this will help.
  2. Set limits. I don't want to spend my time doing too much of something. For example, lately a big chunk of my time has been spent painting. I've been trying to get all this painting done in our home, and I have realized it's taking away from other things I need or want to do. 
  3. Make dates with family and friends. Fridays are usually date night with my husband. I just need to make sure I stick with that as our date night. I enjoy spending that time with him.
  4. Don't forget about me time. With my schedule I can't forget to make time for me. I need to mark this as my play time.
  5. Examine my life. I need to spend time thinking about my life. Am I doing everything I want to do? Am I doing too much? What would I do differently?
Hopefully these little things will help. I hate the feeling of that unbalanced life. Sometimes I just have that feeling as though everything is spinning out of control and that's not a very good feeling to have. 

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