Sunday, July 3, 2011

Day 320- Make a Bucket List

Today my nephew was talking about how he has started making his bucket list. He's not quite 15 and yet he has already started his bucket list. It got me thinking; why don't I start making a bucket list? What do I want to do before I die? What do I want to accomplish?

So far I'm not quite sure what I would like to add to this list; it is definitely a work in progress. I've already done so much with my life, but I know there are a lot of things I'd like to do yet. Sometimes I will be watching something and think to myself, "I wouldn't mind doing that." or sometimes I just randomly think of something I'd like to do. But then I forget about it.

From now on I will write things down when I think of something I'd like to do. Who knows what will be on that list. But the key is to actually do things that are on that list. I want to make sure I don't just let them sit on my list.

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