Saturday, July 9, 2011

Day 326- Treat Myself to a Do-it-Yourself Spa Treatment

I was feeling pretty lousy today. I had the worst sore throat ever! I thought that today really needed to be a 'treat myself' kind of day. Once I got home from work and forced my supper down my aching throat I decided to pamper myself with a little at home spa treatment.

I have been trying to save money and while I love treating myself to an actual spa every once in awhile, I found I can do many of the things they do at the spa at home. I admit it's a little more relaxing when you have someone treating you to all the spa treatments and I am sure they're much better at doing all the different kinds of treatments, but it worked.

I don't know how much better this made my throat feel, but I must admit I do feel more relaxed.

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