Sunday, July 10, 2011

Day 327- Hello!

Sometimes when my husband gets home from work or where ever he's been (or me for that matter) we just go about our business doing whatever it is that we are doing at the moment. We don't necessarily spend time talking with each other or giving each other our full attention. The same holds true when we leave for the day. All we usually say to each other at that moment is, "See ya later!" or something along that line. I'm not saying we don't talk at other times of the day; we definitely do, but it's that 'hello' and 'good-bye' I'm talking about.

I have decided that I will spend a minute or two saying hello when my husband comes home from work;  I will give him my full attention. I can't promise to do that in the morning, because he usually leaves at 5:30 in the morning, but I will make at effort at seeing him off in the morning.

The other downfall to this fact is the fact that my husband will be leaving for a month at the end of the week for a short deployment. So I will have to make do with the time I have left and get right back to it when he comes back from his little trip.

One thing I have thought about doing is applying this same principle at work too. Sometimes I go in to work and go right into my office without saying a word to anyone. From now on I think I will make sure I at least say hello.

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