Thursday, July 14, 2011

Day 331- Inspire Others With My Actions

What we do can have a powerful impact on a persons life. I would like my actions to play a significant role on others around me. It can be something so simple; the other day I was reading someone's status update on Facebook and realized for someone so young she always has all these inspiring messages; these messages are something that always makes my day. I would like to be the person that can inspire people.

I found a list of ways people can inspire others and while I believe it's not about following a list, I also think it's a good place to start.

  • Make a small difference in someone's life everyday.
  • Trust yourself.
  • Keep your word.
  • Be a good communicator.
  • Get better at giving feedback.
  • Give people confidence to reach their full potential.
  • Share from your own experience.
  • Be vulnerable.
  • Develop a sense of humor.
  • Don't forget your roots.
The most important thing I can do is to be myself and avoid any actions that may play a negative role in a persons life. I think that is the key; avoid the negative and be myself.

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