Friday, July 15, 2011

Day 332- Everything Including the Kitchen Sink

The one thing that has bothered me has been that kitchen sink of ours. No matter how hard I scrubbed I just couldn't get that sink looking clean. It's silly really, but it has bothered me and I wanted to tackle this project before I got to the end of this blog. Today was the day and I think I have finally gotten it to the point where I am happy with the outcome. Our kitchen is now complete.

I did have a little help with this one. I actually found a pretty nifty website that was quite helpful. I wish I would have discovered it earlier. It is called .

Here are the steps I took to clean our kitchen sink based on the tips from the above link:
  1. Fill the sink with very hot water all the way up to the top. The site recommends doing one side at a time if you have a double sink. I pretty much did this, but I admit I did start the other side before I was finished with the one side.
  2. Poor in one cup of bleach and let it sit for about an hour.
  3. Pull the plug with some tongs if you have them or empty out some water into the other sink (I guess maybe that's why you're supposed to do one side at a time) and with rubber gloves pull the plug. Don't forget to watch out for that bleach. You don't want to get it on your clothes.
  4. Rinse the sink very well.
  5. Clean the sink with a cleanser (I used baking soda and it worked very well).
  6. Shine the sink up with some Windex.
There were some additional steps that they mentioned, but this worked just fine for me. They also said if you didn't like the shine you could also use carwax. I might try this, but I didn't have any handy. I did also have some stainless steel cleaner that we had gotten when we got our new appliances, so I gave that a try too. I did take a before and after picture, but unfortunately the pictures didn't do it justice, so I left them out. 

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