Saturday, July 16, 2011

Day 333- Plan for When My Husband is Away

I had planned on doing this post a couple of days ago, before my husband left for the month, but better late than never. I realized there would be certain things I would have to take control of. Before he left we discussed everything I would need to do while he was gone. He usually pays the bills, mows the lawn, feeds the cats etc. Now I am responsible for these activities.

It's not too bad. If I forget to feed the cats they would let me know and hopefully the lawn will only have to be mowed a couple of times. The bills will be the tricky one for me, but I think I got everything from him that I need. I just need to make sure I pay them right away.

There are other things I need to take care of, and I'm sure certain things will come up, but I think I have it all under control. I am an adult and I should be able to take care of all these extra activities anyway. So I don't see this as a problem. This is an excellent dry run for those longer deployments he will have in the future.

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