Sunday, July 17, 2011

Day 334- Get Dressed

I have been loving my new discovery of I have found many new ideas from there, and many of the things she talks about I am already doing, so that makes me feel much better. It makes me feel as though I am on the right track. Today I got the idea of getting dressed from that site.

The idea is to get dressed right away in the morning, which includes brushing my teeth, showering etc. No lounging around in my jammies and slippers like I usually do. I have said in the past that I'm not a morning person, but maybe if I get myself going right away this will get me more motivated in those morning hours.

She also said to not only get dressed but to put your shoes on too. I am foregoing the shoe part. I have always been more comfortable going barefoot or wearing my slippers. I understand the idea behind the shoe thing, but I know from experience that I would never stick with that rule.

So from now on the first thing I will do when I drag myself out of bed is get dressed. Sounds simple enough.

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